Dec 8, 2011

Web Design and Mathematics

How can one relate web designing to math? This is the first question that can come up to your mind on reading the heading of this article. It is obvious that math is very structured and systematic and with hardly any creativity. If it does not have any creativity then how can it be related to web designing that is mostly dependent on creativity for success?

If you have a deeper insight into web designing there are a number of aspects of web designing that can be directly related to Math. Some people say that math is so structured that it can ruin creativity. This is absolutely a biased opinion. When math principles are applied to web designing it offers structure to the web design and at the same time allows the creativity to flourish in a specific direction. Some of the constructive uses of the math principles for web designing are as follows.
• Golden Ratio:

The Golden ratio is an irrational number and a mathematical constant. Its approximate value is 1.618033987. This ration is also called the divine proportion. If the greater quantity is added to the smaller quantity and then the sum is divided by the greater quantity, the product got is equal to the ratio of the greater quantity to the smaller quantity the two quantities have a golden ratio. If the Greater Quantity is denoted by A, the smaller quantity is denoted by B and the Golden Ratio is denoted by GR, the equations is {(A+B) / A}=(A/B)=GR. The golden ratio can be used constructively for designing a successful website.

• Golden Rectangle:

When in a rectangle the breadth is divided by the length we get 1.618, the rectangle is called the golden rectangle. The construction of the golden rectangle is quite easy. If you want to design websites for different portfolios, photo galleries and websites that promote products the golden rectangle design is apt. The golden rectangle design can be used for displaying ads in the side bar. At times you may need to combine the golden rectangle principle with other elements like alignment and grid. The main purpose of the web design should also be the prime consideration.
• Fibonacci Design:

The Fibonacci Design is based on creative application of the Fibonacci series. The number on the right side is the sum of last two numbers preceding it. The series 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89 is a Fibonacci series. The size of the page blocks used is multiplied with the numbers in the Fibonacci series. The size of the columns and font size in the headings and content can also be based on the Fibonacci series. If the layout is of the magazine type and blogs then the Fibonacci Design is apt.

• Sine Wave Design:

The sine wave design is based on the sine waves. The layout of the elements in web design is arranged in such a manner that the movement of the eyes to see the displayed elements follows the wave pattern.

• Nine Equal Parts:

Two horizontal lines and two vertical lines that are equally placed can divide the image into nine equal parts. This can be the basis of the design. This sort of division divides the layout into thirds both horizontally as well as vertically.

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